Monday, February 25, 2013

When it came too the new era of film making one of the major break throughs was the edition of sound in your cinematic experience. However, including sound in motion pictures was very expensive at the time because it was basically adding sound to a silent movie. Some times the audio was not clear enough so a lot of editing was needed in order to make it sound crisp. Motion picture companies had to buy sound booths, sound stages and they had to build theaters that were wired for sound. Many of their actors could not make the transition from silent movies to sound so some of them were let go. However, even with some of these minor finical set backs, there was still plenty of profit to be made with the edition of new talent to be brought in the movie business. These would include voice actors and script writers. For the voice actors, casting directors had to find the perfect balance of someone with acting talent as well as a powerful voice in order to bring new life into the characters. For the script writers, it allowed for further plots to be made and ultimately made the stories in a movie much easier to follow as opposed to the silent movie where you had to assume what was occurring in the movie based on the actors actions and the occasional dialogue clip. With the edition to sound it also allowed the movie to go un interrupted and play smoothly through out instead of having to stop the movie so that a dialogue screen can inform you on whats going on. In the case of the movie "It Happened One Night," sound was used. Personally because of this, the movie was given many oscars due to its story and the actors within the film. On one particular article it states that this movie was pretty much low budget because of the fact that Columbia was not as prosperous as they are currently. Because of this fact most people believed that this movie was the underdog at the oscars but it ended up taking the prizes for best actor, actress, director and script. Personally I think the movie was okay. I can not give my opinion of this movie without being biast because I am not really a fan of romantic comedies, however, for the time period this movie took place in I believe it was put together very well. At times the sound quality did sound a bit scratchy, however that was due to the lack of modern technology we have today. To be honest if this same movie came out today I dont think it would have won an Oscar however, for back in its time period it was basically revolutionary. It coined many famous scenes you see today like when Ellie stops the car by raising up her skirt, that same scene is used in the movie "Sex In The City 2." Overall I think the movie was okay however, like I mentioned before, romantic comedy isn't my preference in movies.

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