Monday, April 29, 2013

"Gone With the Wind" sets up an inner conflict within me. At first I could not decide whether or not I liked or disliked the movie because some of the characters drove me crazy. For example, Scarlet and her constant need to have Ashley's love and not realizing she had something incredible right in front of her with Rhett. Or just how annoying Prissy the house servant's voice was. However, as the story progressed you learn to love the characters and start to develop feelings towards them. What made this movie so great was the fact of its excellent filming and editing for a film shot way back in the 1930's. The music was excellent and it really captured the emotions that went with the scenes. Also this movie is known to be the longest movie up to 1939 and was the first movie shot in Technicolor. Being completely honest with myself the movie was actually surprisingly good. However, I say this because it was one of those movies that suck you into the story and makes you want to slap the characters (Scarlett) for being so stupid and I feel if a movie is able to fill you with these emotions, it could be considered a good movie. Usually I am not one for romantic movies but I do love the twist at the end with Rhett ends up leaving Scarlett because that is what any sensible man would do. However, I have heard that there was a sequel to this story written in book form and also projected through a T.V series. There was never a proper sequel to this movie. I thought it was excellent for a movie shot in the 1930's and deserves to be watched again (if you can spare almost four hours of your life.)
There are many comparisons between the real life of Charles Webb, the author of "The Graduate" and the characters that derived from the movie. However, obviously the movie characters and the Charles Webb's life have significant differences between not only the details of his life but also the people who he surrounds himself with from the parents down to his ex wife. Even the way he ended up marrying his college sweetheart because her parents wanted to send her to California in attempt to break them up is different from the movie. When Webb wrote his book, he wanted to get the approval of his mother and show his parents how they really are, however, being the type of person she is she never really gave him any approval. Also, his book aggravated his father because of how accurate it was to his personality. The family wanted to have nothing to do with the book until it was made into a movie then his both parents praised him and often said "that's my boy!" Charles and Mrs.Robinson were never actually sexually involved in real life, she actually hated him and didn't think that he was right for her daughter, however, according to this article Webb passed her room one day and accidentally caught her naked coming out of the shower which is what inspired her character. Even though this movie was well known won awards and is considered a "classic" I did not find this movie enjoyable. I thought that the main character was so annoying and basically a wimp the way he is always asking questions and is very submissive when other people command him to do something much like when Mrs.Robinson told him to be quite or sit down. Also the story itself I did not find particularly interesting. However, I definitely able to recognize the revolutionary style of directing this movie brought. Such as the way the dialogue starts without any characters being in frame giving a better transition between scenes. Or the way the song "Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel became sort of the theme song for this movie and is used constantly throughout the movie which doesn't seem that mind altering however, many movies use these very techniques today and it's always interesting to see where these styles came from. I can appreciate the innovation used in this movie when it came to the directing process, but as for the story itself I did not really enjoy it.