Monday, May 6, 2013

Stage Coach

In a time where movies were more bold and experimental creativity really thrived in this time period a movie called "Stage Coach" directed by John Ford elevated Western genre in movies to "A" movie status. John Ford wanted to have actors who were less known for this movie so he ended up giving the main role of Ringo to a man named John Wayne who at the time was a B-movie actor however, after his role in Stage Coach he became very famous and worked with John Ford on different movies 24 times. At first when Wayne met Ford he thought Ford was a hard guy to work with because of his personality. However, Wayne knew that Ford had the capability to make him into a star so he ended up dealing with all the struggles and conflict that came with working with Ford and just as he predicted he became a star. Some of the scenes that caught my interest during this movie was the one major stunt that had one of the characters slipping in between the horses on the carriage. It was amazing to see because the actual stunt was very dangerous and back then for that time they had no special effects or wires so everything that was done had to be legit. To me I feel because the stunt was preformed without the aid of anything just the pure skill of the stuntman, made the scene that much better and more realistic. Another scene that had me in awe was the indian chasing scene and Fords directing style and how he moved the camera to give the illusion of sharp turns and wide vast areas. The actual movie itself I found sort of boring the characters were definitely memorable though such as the drunk doctor he was my favorite character. I thought the movie was decent but once I learned the actual details of the behind the scenes I could appreciate the movie a little more.

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